Shipping information

About our delivery service
-All goods must be delivered within 30 days after the purchase date.
-Online shopping customers
To change the delivery date, please email to us three or seven days before delivery.
$200 administrative expenses.
For online shopping customers, please refer to [Contact Us] or [Order Enquiry].
-In case of severe weather, severe flooding, road obstruction or closure on the day of delivery, the delivery service may be delayed or suspended. We will contact the customer via SMS and phone within 24 hours to make arrangements. The replacement service will be completed within seven days.
-The consignee must be at least 18 years old and be an authorized representative of the customer. Any instructions/information or behaviour provided by the consignee are representative of the customer
People. The delivery team will contact you 30 minutes before the delivery to inform the arrival time; we have the opportunity to call the customer to brief after delivery. Short service opinion survey.

HKD Hong Kong dollar